


今天的观众对他们的内容体验有绝对的控制权, 不花时间去做任何不能与他们的利益产生共鸣的事情. 伦敦商学院最近进行了一项研究, 包括在不同的家庭安装隐蔽的摄像头和麦克风, 研究了人们对电视广告的微妙反应. 意料之中的是, they found that several typical behaviors were triggered when a commercial came on the screen. 他们四个在说话, 阅读, getting up to do something or changing the channel – indicate a resolute disinterest in dedicating valuable time to on-screen advertisements.

Another recent study, run by Facebook, shows that smartphones are on hand for 95% of viewers. 所以即使观众在广告期间呆在电视机前, the likelihood is high that they’re focusing on something else and just not paying attention to the ad. 一项由AdTech公司进行的研究 观看 揭示了另一个明显的趋势, 强调女性, 特别是, 是否积极主动地保持对体验自主权的控制. Female viewers are 50% more inclined to reach for their phones during ad breaks compared to their male counterparts (51% vs. 35%).

很明显,围绕广告中断的普遍情绪, 被视为预期体验的障碍, 表现为对广告的认知和行为排斥. 因此, the rise of ad-avoidance and diminishing attention spans represents two sides of the same coin. This phenomenon is propelled by an escalating oversaturation of ads that persistently disrupt viewers’ experiences without delivering sufficient relevance and value in return.


电视和流媒体内容本身的不间断广告, 比如虚拟广告和植入式广告, 有效地抓住注意力而不是扼杀它.  数十项研究表明,虚拟集成, 由于它们本身的相关性, 被观众自然地拥抱和观察, 有一些策略可以让这些新形式更吸引人、更有效.

不像传统的广告创意, 在内容的广告, 包括虚拟产品植入(VPP), 需要直接与内容工作,而不是简单地在松散的邻接. 利用叙事, 环境, 情绪, 而上下文通常是相关性的催化剂, is pivotal to producing results that go even beyond the baseline performance of these new formats.

内容内广告超越了传统的方式, 包括创造性的形式,类似于街道广告牌, 墙上海报(虚拟标牌), 或基于屏幕的电视广告-室内和室外(视频中的视频). 通过利用内容的内在意义, virtual in-content product and ad placements present very dynamic and scalable opportunities for advertisers. Each integration occurs within diverse scenes, ensuring a perpetually fresh and engaging narrative. 广告与内容的整合将品牌与朋友圈联系起来, 环境, 和人物, 培养连贯的叙事.

AI-driven virtual product placements present a remarkable opportunity for advertisers to gain prominent visibility across a wide range of content. 以一个咖啡品牌为例. 通过战略调度, the brand can seamlessly integrate into kitchen and breakfast scenes featured across various programs and networks. 这种精确定位的方法产生了巨大的好处. Tobii进行的研究强调了这种语境联系的有效性, revealing a staggering 4x increase in brand recall and a compelling 42% rise in brand interest. 此外, 在电视节目表中植入广告会产生切实的效果, 凯度的研究证明了这一点, indicating a notable 12 percentage point increase in ad awareness and an impressive 22 percentage point boost in brand consumption. This strategy proves to be exceptionally powerful for brands seeking not just visibility but meaningful and impactful growth.


在广告领域, 内容内广告成为高关注度观众的灯塔, 这与传统电视广告截然不同, 一个 绝大多数(66%)观众 保持空闲的. 有效地驾驭这些被俘虏的观众, 广告商可以通过与情感环境相协调来提升他们的影响力.

在与神经科学公司Spark Neuro的合作研究中, we explored into the intricate interplay between the emotional tenor of content and viewers' reactions to virtual product and ad integrations. It turns out that simply focusing on positive 情绪 such as happiness or excitement is not necessarily the best approach. 而不是, a variety of intense 情绪 that captivate viewers can set the stage for a memorable product and ad integrations. 考虑, 例如, 一个吉普牧马人的广告牌,在一个令人神经崩溃的地方茁壮成长, 悬疑的场景, 从而使品牌价值激增8%. 类似的, 莱索尔在一个令人毛骨悚然的场景中展示了它的威力, 为其品牌价值贡献了17%的惊人增长. This nuanced understanding of emotional dynamics underscores the potential for creating impactful and memorable brand experiences within diverse and suggestive contexts.


Virtual ad and product placements within content provide brands with opportunities to forge deeper connections with audiences that traditional ads often struggle to achieve. One compelling example lies in the capacity to establish engagement with multicultural viewers. A strategically positioned sign in a Spanish-language TV show not only conveys the brand's message but also signals a commitment to cultural relevance, 表现出加倍努力的意愿.

除了, VPP and virtual ads open innovative avenues for advertisers to partner with diverse and multicultural publishers. Many brands express a keen interest in allocating their media budget to diverse publishers, 但也会遇到与规模相关的挑战. 虚拟产品和广告植入引入了全新的库存, unleashing more scale and a wave of creativity that transcends conventional 广告 norms. VPP通过创造额外的收入流,极大地最大化了内容合作伙伴的价值.  对于每小时有6到12个额外广告机会的电视网络来说, 添加内容内放置 can boost ad revenue up to 50% in TV, CTV, and AVOD, and generate a 100% increase in ad revenue for SVOD.

The implementation of addressable delivery for virtual in-content ads and product placements takes audience relevance to new heights. 通过协调创意形式与不同受众的特定背景, 广告商可以扩大他们的活动的影响. The integration of programmatic approaches for in-content formats represents a pivotal shift, 这也标志着一个开创性交叉点的起源,内容, 商务, 和营销融合, 创造一种新的协同效应,重新定义广告的格局.


电视和视频世界正在经历迅速的变革, with advertisers and media companies transitioning from linear TV to Connected TV (CTV) and streaming platforms. 在这个动态环境中, 交互性, 可寻址能力, 人工智能的整合最终将重塑广告业, 让它更吸引人, 有关, 和有效的.

The most decisive factor in these transformative shifts are the changing viewer attitude and behavior. 观众越来越倾向于更高质量的娱乐体验, 同时也表明他们想要完全控制自己的时间. This shift is unmistakable when viewers opt for alternative activities over traditional ads, 反映了对自主观看体验的偏好.

A strategic approach that takes these critical factors into consideration allows brands to rebuild relevance and recapture attention, 为差异化和增长铺平道路. 内容本身, 现在丰富了产品和广告的虚拟整合, emerges as the primary conduit to a future where brands once again become a welcomed and integral part of the viewer's experience.

[编者注:这是来自 Mirriad. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


何塞Puga, 首席执行官, Imaginario, 概述了当前关于人工智能训练数据共享的争论和新方法, 包括共享数据的风险, 启用人工智能的主要优势, 训练数据的类型, 合理使用, 和更多的.


免费的风景, Ad-Supported Streaming Television (FAST) channels has significantly shifted in the last 12 months. 曾经由小众内容提供商主导, 该市场见证了大型工作室和广播公司的活动激增. 优质节目的涌入使竞争达到了一个新的水平, 迫使FAST频道调整和优化他们的产品以维持运营.


Max Heiderscheid of UIC Digital writes about the opportunities that shoppable TV brings and what challenges lie ahead in weaving together the fabrics of content and 商务 within the sanctity of our living rooms.


Raman Abrol of Vubiquity and Amdocs discusses the next stages for streaming: the union of content, 广告, 互动体验.

As CTV Further Evolves for Both Consumers and Advertisers, Here are 3 Trends to Watch for in 2024

Gijsbert Pols,互联电视总监 & 新调整频道,概述了2024年值得关注的三个关键CTV趋势.